Media & Presentation Training
We provide training to deliver a confident, persuasive message on-camera and coach you to better present to groups, large and small.
Given our team’s experience in media, politics and digital campaigns, we can work with you to assess, create, shape and execute your message. We also offer large-scale public opinion polling, as well as intimate focus groups to test and shape your message.
We teach you how to manage, message and influence the media, developing and protecting your personal or corporate brand. Just like a sport requires training, so does speaking and presenting. Like an athlete, you need to create muscle memory. We will help you shape your message, train you to execute it and remain with you as needed to further develop the message.
– We offer large group seminars & highly personalized sessions that fit your location and schedule.
– Media training can also include style suggestions and aesthetics such hair, makeup and clothing.
Know your audience. Know your message. We can identify your audience and their needs, draft a targeted speech and prepare you for questions.
When presenting to different audiences, remember, you can always keep your core message, but credibility is in the delivery. How you deliver that message, from word choice to theme emphasis, will determine your success. We’ll train you to craft and deliver your most effective message.